
Podcast 1 min read

Understanding the shifting priorities of IT leaders with Zendesk’s Paulette Chafe

In this wide-ranging episode, Paulette Chafe discusses the evolving role of IT leaders in CX, from ensuring data security to implementing AI.

著者: Mark Smith, Staff Writer

更新日: April 26, 2024

Conversations with Zendesk podcast episode 13

More than ever, IT leaders are experiencing a greater level of responsibility: from taking charge of data security to implementing AI, these technology professionals play an increasingly vital role in how CX is delivered to customers.

Zendesk’s Paulette Chafe, head of customer insights and thought leadership, has kept a close eye on these trends. She sat down to explore these issues with Conversations with Zendesk host Nicole Saunders, where they dove into the in-depth research that led to Zendesk’s IT leaders report.

As Chafe points out, IT leaders face an interconnected series of challenges that all affect the customer experience, whether that’s data security, AI, or the employee experience.

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“There’s definitely a dependency happening that they are interrelated. And I can look at the rank order of them and see how one feeds into the other,” Chafe said. “Things are morphing together, and it’’l be interesting to see when we repeat this study, how the priorities begin to shift.”

Stay tuned for the next episode of Conversations with Zendesk, which will feature Diane Lye, CIO of Rivian, who will discuss how the electric car manufacturer is leveraging data and technology to enhance service quality and expand globally.


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